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Sweet pease pudding (豌豆黄,Wan-Dough-Hwang) once was emperor's snack. Originated for the royal family in Qianlong period at Qing Dynasty starting (18th century), it later becomes one of normal Beijingers' favorite snacks.

Taste: Refreshing sweet, and tender texture 


Price: 2 Yuan ($30 cents) 



Ai wo-wo (艾窝窝,Ai wo-wo). It first appeared in Ming dynasty (1368-  1644), and later picked up by the emperor's family in Qing Dynasty.  Now, it is  popularized among the public.  Ai-Wowo is made from stick rice flour with sweet fillings.  

Taste: Refreshing sweet, sticky and chewy 

Price: 2 Yuan (30 cents)

Rolling donkey (驴打滚,Lu-Da-Gung

With sticky yellow rice flour filled with red bean paste, this snack got its name from the way it is made. Rolling the yellow rice flour stuffed with read bean paste resembles donkeys rolling on the ground. 

Taste: Sweet and sticky 

Price: 2-3 Yuan(30-40 cents)


Rolling donkey(驴打滚)

Where to have them: They are all available in many famous restaurants, like Quanjuede where you can also its signature duck Or at  Huatian Jude snack restaurant. 

Huatian Jude snack restaurant Address: #26 Di An Men Xi Da Jie Xi Cheng Qu, Beijing, China 

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